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Can India Save its Working Kids?

prohibits.....to say that an action is illegal or not allowed
         ex)  The Indian government has a law that prohibits children under age 14 from working in dangerous

estimates.....to try to judge the value, size, speed, cost etc of something, without calculating it exactly
         ex)  An Indian government agency estimates that nearly 13 million children under age 14 are working
                   in India.
survive.........to continue to live after an accident, war, or illness
         ex)   many kids work to survive.



Pressure at the Pump

fuel..... a substance such as coal, gas, or oil that can be burned to produce heat or energy
  ex) It is also made into fuel for transportation.

struggling....to try extremely hard to achieve something, even though it is very difficult
        ex)Schools are struggling with the costs.

educate.....to teach a child at a school, college, or university
        ex)He is part of a group that works to educate people about energy, health and safety.

Crude oil in the world starts drying up exactly now.
When crude oil dries up, we cannot live. The government should take measures at once.
